CTAS Education

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care


Course Outline

This nationally recognised qualification reflects the role of educators in early childhood education and care who work in regulated children’s education and care services in Australia. Educators at this level are responsible for designing and implementing curriculum that meets the requirements of an approved learning framework and for maintaining compliance in other areas of service operations. They use specialised knowledge and analyse and apply theoretical concepts to diverse work situations. They may have responsibility for supervision of volunteers or other educators.

Early childhood educators may work in long day care centres, family day care, pre-schools or kindergartens.

This course meets the regulatory requirements as stipulated by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) as an approved early childhood education and care qualifications.

Location, Delivery and Duration

The course is delivered through a combination of face-to-face training and assessment, in an approved education and care service and online learning and assessment, including:

  • One on One Training and Support Sessions
  • Workplace Assessments
  • Practical Observation Assessments
  • Self-paced Knowledge Assessments 

The approximate duration of the Diploma of Early Childhood Education is between 1 – 2 years dependent on each individual learner’s experience and any eligible Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning.

Units of Competence


Manage team effectiveness (Core)


Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children (Core)


Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing (Core)


Nurture creativity in children (Core)


Facilitate compliance in a children’s education and care service (Core)


Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children (Core)


Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children (Core)


Analyse information to inform children’s learning (Core)


Plan and implement children’s education and care curriculum (Core)


Embed environmental responsibility in service operations (Core)


Work in partnership with children’s families (Core)


Reflect on and improve own professional practice (Core)


Manage and promote diversity (Elective)


Respond to grievances and complaints about the service (Elective)


Meet community information needs (Elective)

Fees and Charges


This Course is funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development Traineeship Scheme.

New Worker Trainee

Fee Free*

Existing Worker Trainee

$1720.44 **Fee Caps Apply

**Existing Worker Trainee 15-24 years annual fee cap


**Existing Worker Trainee 25 years + annual fee cap


Existing Worker Trainee – with eligible concession card


Important Notes

The student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as resource fees and other fees.

*Eligible students who enrol into the Fee Free Program on or before 31 December 2024, are entitled to the fee-free arrangement each year over the duration of the course.

Fees for Service

Studying in a ‘Fees for Service’ arrangement is studying outside of employment. This means that your Employer has no obligations or responsibilities to your study arrangements or qualification.

An individualised quote will be provided upon request. 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning is available for learners who have existing skills, knowledge, and verified experience and wish to apply for RPL through an assessment only process.

For more information about eligibility and assessment, contact enrolments@ctas.wa.edu.au 

Credit Transfer

Credit transfer may be applied to Units of Competency/s that have been previously completed.

To apply for credit transfer you will be required to supply a copy of your prior academic transcripts or Unique Student Identifier (USI) transcript during the enrolment process. Once verified any eligible units will be applied to your qualification.

Future Study Pathways

After successfully completing CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, learners may choose to undertake further study pathways including the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, through university.

Entry Requirements

  • Have suitable Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills to complete a Diploma (completion of a LLN assessment will be required)
  • Willingness to commit to study.
  • Learners must have a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI) to study any qualification or short course in Australia. To create a USI please visit www.usi.gov.au

If you require support and reasonable adjustment, please call us 9350 9222 prior to enrolment.

Studying via a Traineeship
  • Be an Australian Citizen, a New Zealand passport holder or hold a visa that allows you to engage in work in Australia.
  • Be permanently employed in an approved education and care service for a minimum of 15 hours per week.
  • A Working with Children Check (WWCC) will be required for employment purposes. 

Prerequisite Requirements

Learners must hold:

  • a CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or
  • a CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.

Resource Requirements

  • Internet access
  • Suitable device to access the Learning Management System

If you do not have access to the above resources, please call us 9350 9222 to discuss further. 

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